Board of Directors


After two years of building and managing Bristol Girls Surf Club single handedly, founder and president Matilda recruited a committee in 2023 - it was the biggest and best year yet for the club. To continue provide the socials, trips, adventures and new opportunities, Bristol Girls Surf Club became a registered Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2024! Find out more about the women running the club below.

Matilda Jackson


Matilda moved to Bristol in 2020 in the middle of the lockdowns. Dreaming of the day she would be allowed to go surfing again (and make some new friends in a city of strangers) she decided to create Bristol Girls Surf Club. As a self proclaimed “shit surfer” Matilda is passionate about making surfing, and the sea, accessible for absolutely everyone regardless of ability. She is a qualified therapist, and works for several children’s mental health charities. When she isn’t surfing, Matilda can be found in any sunny pub garden, sharing a packet of crisps with her rescue greyhound Dorothy.


Sammie Firth


Sammie grew up in Swindon and, after living in London, New Zealand, and France, she ended up back in Bristol - her birthplace! Sammie has been all over the place on her snowboard, and plans to do the same on a surfboard. She has worked in science comms, video journalism, and digital content and loves to be behind the camera or working with people. Sammie’s favourite thing about BGSC is how welcoming and fun the people are! When not on a board of some kind, Sammie enjoys watching the rugby, ‘investing’ in skincare, and consuming excessive amounts of mini eggs.


Ceri Evans


Ceri, originally from West Wales, has found her home in Bristol, where she has lived for several years. She is passionate about fostering a community of women surfers and creating a welcoming, inclusive environment that makes the sport enjoyable for all. Despite surfing sporadically for four years, Ceri really values the sense of community BGSC has nurtured, and enjoys the social aspect of the club. Professionally, she works as an analyst, but tries to find any reason to be outdoors. During her downtime, Ceri enjoys the tranquility of activities such as hiking and wild swimming. Additionally, she enjoys dabbling in DIY, renovating, and baking.


Sophia Massey


Sophia was born and raised in Bristol so this city is truly home for her. She had her first surf lesson as teenager on the south coast of Devon but did not find her passion for the sport until her post-university gap year where she surfed the shores of South Africa and the Philippines. Sophia is passionate about making the ocean a more welcoming place for everybody to enjoy. Aside from surfing, Sophia loves pizza, country walks, and going to the pub with friends.


Molly Blair


Molly has lived in Bristol for five years and gets down to the coast whenever someone is offering a ride (anyone else a passenger princess?). She had her first surf lessons in 2015 in Portugal and has since surfed in Morocco, Bali, Spain and in the arctic circle in Norway. She’s currently working on catching more green waves, improving her pop-ups and staying fit when access to the sea is more limited. Her day job in journalism allows her to be creative which she also channels through pottery and cooking in her spare time.
