Online Community

We want it to be as easy as possible for our community and members to link up with one another. Find out where our communities are and join us!

  • Facebook

    Our private Facebook group is monitored by our Directors. It currently has over 2,300 women in the group, so it’s a great way to find people in your area to go surfing with.

    Facebook Group 
  • Facebook Community Chats

    We have several Facebook community chats including: BGSC Beginners, BGSC Intermediate/Advanced, BCSC Parents and Carers, BGSC New to Bristol, BGSC at The Wave and BGSC Surfskate

    Facebook Chats 
  • Instagram

    Follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with our latest news, events, socials and trips! We post lots of photos and reels from our events, feature photos from the community and lots of other useful info.

    Instagram Page 
  • WhatsApp

    Through our community group on WhatsApp you can find all of our WhatsApp chats. We’ll make a lot of our announcements here and create event/trip specific chats. This is also where paid Sisterhood subscribers will be able to access their discount info and another place for people to connect with one another.

    WhatsApp Channel 
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